Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 26th, 2014

Today, I really had to deny myself to go back to campus for the bible study after my observation at Joslin school. My route for today was like this: home> UT> home> Joslin> home> UT> Lucia's> home. I usually take a bus to get to the campus from home, and it takes about 45 minutes and vice versa. I spent, therefore, more than 3 hours just commuting back and forth. I wanted to take a long nap after playing with the kids in the schoolyard, but I took the bus again to share my little portion in the bible study and go to Lucia's. Well, it was worth it. SeEun, Ailey, Lydia, Jose, Martha and I got invited for the dinner tonight by Lucia and Alfredo. We all had a good amount of Mexican food and had sweet fellowship - our college life before the Lord, the matter of coming to the well of Issac (source of the river of the water of life), our growth in the Lord, etc.

I'd like to describe what we enjoyed in more details, but I should go to bed at least earlier than last night. I'll add details later.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to change your topic, you are more than welcome to do so. You've been doing great work, and I am happy to be flexible on due dates if it allows you to do more research on something that is more exciting for you.
